Monday, May 21, 2007

Late night

Well, here I set at this computer. I just so excited- I had 7 people leave comments for me today. 7, can you believe it? It was called "tagged"---when I figure out how to do it I will try to tag someone. I am suppose to do 7.
It is almost 11:30- I just came in from my work shop and started a load of laundry. I am a noct owl. I sleep until 9 every morning and stay up until 12 or 1 every noct. I do my best work at noct, even the creative stuff. I am not sure why that is, but I tend to be a bit strange.

~~~~~~Why does the (comma) always throw this message off I am trying to type. I hit the (comma) and it goes down to the bottom of the page and finds a place and want allow me to use it.~~~~

My sister who died on the 1st. of May was sick for a really long time. She moved down south to be close to me. Not long after, that she got to where she was not able to get out and do things with me. I miss her terribly. She was on Dialysis the 3 times a week for the past 3 years. It just wore her down. It was so painful to see her the way she was suffering and all. She had gotten down to 93 pounds. God knows when it is time to take us home. It was her time. I am thankful for the many years I had her, but I would not (could not use the "comma") bring her back to this world if I could- not if it meant seeing her suffer more.
She was a avid gardener. She had gotten their yard in such a beautiful shape. She could make anything grow. And could design some of the most beautiful flower bed you have ever seen. She got me to liking it a little better- but it still was not "my thing" I had rather be in my air conditioned work shop- with a brush in my hand. I hat getting hot and sweaty.

I have had a really busy day. My back is hurting again tonight. I worked in the yard over the weekend and it takes me several days to re-coop from that.

My baby sister left for France this afternoon. That gives me something to worry about. (not that I need anything) I am a worrier by nature. She will be gone for 10 days. I just do not know what I will do with out her. If I have computer problems -I will sink. She keeps me floating along. If I need her she is always there. She is 10 years younger than me, and 10 times smarter.

Well, I am going to close fortonight. I will check back in tomorrow and answer some of my comments. Maybe even do some "tagging" when I figure out how.

Good morning

Good morning from Tennessee.
I don't feel so spiffy this morning. My old bones are aching, but I always feel this way in the morning. I will come alive here about noon and there will no slowing me down. I have to much work to get done, to just set around and be lazy.
Gona fix me a cup of coffee and then I will be able to face the world.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just checking in

I started this Blog then forgot about it.
Evidently, I would be only writing to myself- no one ever seems to read it. Or if they do, they don't ever leave a message.
Since I started this Blog I have lost a dear sister. She died on May1st. She was a Kidney Dialysis patient . She had been on Dialysis 3 times a week for the past 3 years. It was hard seeing her go through all the pain and the loss of a quality life. I miss her so very much.
I am busy with all my crafts that I sell on my 3 e-commerce sites---eBay, Etsy, and Ecrater.
They say a blog helps with promotion, but if no one ever visits it- I don't see how it can help much.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

All things - beautifully handmade

Okay, I've done it. I actually set up a blog, never fail to amaze myself. Someone on Etsy told me I could do it- I guess I just had to believe it.
Now what do I do???
I will start by telling you a bit about myself:

I am a 68 year old arts and crafter. Have been for years. If I haven't done it, or tried to do it- it hasn't been done.
I created a line of ceramic buttons in 1989 called- Something Pretty. I still sell them on my eBay site, Ecrater, and Etsy. In 1999 we stopped advertising and traveling to the Major Show to promote my buttons, so they just hung on the racks for several years- until I found eBay and started selling them there.
I do a lot of Wood projects, Watercolor,Oils, Stained glass, Wind chimes, Personalized Coffee Mugs, Artisan Jewelry etc, etc,

I have the sweetest and most supportive husband in the world. I thank God for him every day.
We have 2 grown childen, and 3 grandchildren.

Iketta, my daughter, is a Respiratory Therapist. She has a daughter Jessalyn Faye, who is a Junior in High School and on the Honor Roll- she is a Cheer Leader for her school team.
Ronny, my son, is a big rig driver for UPS. He has a son, Eric who is a Junior in College at UT Knoxville. Also a daughter Amy, who is a Junior in High School and on the Honor Roll- she plays Basketball for her school team.
I have a wonderful family and they mean the world to me
To me there is nothing more beautiful than handmade items. Each and everything someone creates has a part of their sole in it, I know mine do. I feel passionate about everything I create and strive to do a quality work.

I think anyone with creative talents are kissed by God and Angels. We are blessed with a gift and if as artist, we don't use these gifts, and share them with others, we are doing a disservice to ourselves.

I use my crafts to suppliment my income in order to have "mad Money" to spend on myself and the ones I love. I also give a lot of it as gifts.

Here are the links to my 3 selling sites:

Please visit my blog with comments and photos of your work.
Use my site to promote any handcrafted venue- such as Craft Fairs, web sites, yourself- anything.

I plan to post some pictures as soon as I figure out how to do it.
Have a good day, and God Bless,

PLEASE NOTE: The pictures shown below this entry are 4 of my most popular Personalized Mugs.
I now have 60 models I create.

They can be seen on my selling sites:
eBay (username) SomethingPrettyHandcrafteditems